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22 Area, New Road Maria Rubatto’s Bldg, 1st floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Chatgpt in Ethiopia
Guest Contribution Must Read

Three ChatGPT Alternatives Ethiopians Can Use

By Yinebeb Bahru In November 2022, OpenAI, an American artificial intelligence (AI) research institute, released ChatGPT. Since its launch, it

Deep Dive FinTech Guest Contribution

Expanding Ethiopia’s Agent Networks Through Innovative Digital Solutions

By Yaa Asamoah Boateng Agent networks play a critical role in the uptake of digital financial services. They make financial

Verified Sellers Ethiopia
Ecommerce Guest Contribution Must Read

Building Trust in Ethiopia’s E-commerce: The Impact of Verified Sellers

By Dagmawi Demeke In just a few decades, e-commerce has rapidly grown to dominate the business landscape and major economic

Ecommerce Guest Contribution Must Read

Selling Online in Ethiopia: A Business Owner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Marketplace

By Dagmawi Demeke Business owners in Ethiopia looking to scale their business online in 2023, must carefully consider the online

FinTech Guest Contribution Must Read

Ethiopian Banks be Ready for the Competition 

One day, I was requesting a mobile banking account from an Ethiopian commercial bank. I brought my driver’s license because

FinTech Guest Contribution Must Read

Digital Credit Is the Way Forward for Ethiopia

Imagine a small kiosk (Souq) in rural Ethiopia that requires working capital or a capital loan to conduct or expand

Government Guest Contribution

The Case for Central Bank Digital Currency in Ethiopia

Throughout history, humans have used various mediums of exchange, ranging from commodities and gold to the current status quo of

Guest Contribution Must Read

Brief Overview of the Ethiopian Licensing Regime on Communications Services

By Aman & Partners LLP With the advancement of technology, it is increasingly becoming clear that communications services are permeating

Guest Contribution Must Read Ride-Hailing

Fuel Price Hikes Put Ride-hailing Sector in Trouble, Time to Re-innovate the Business Model

By Nathnael Tsegaw About two months ago, a friend and I had a meeting we needed to get to quickly

Major Challenges of E-government, Digital Transformation in Ethiopia
Government Guest Contribution

Major Challenges Facing Ethiopia’s Digital Transformation of Government Services

By Yinebeb Bahru  ICT offers prospects for economic growth and is critical for developing countries to accelerate economic development, enhance