Contact information

22 Area, New Road Maria Rubatto’s Bldg, 1st floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now.
Avion Drone testing
Logistics Medtech Startup Technology

Meet Avion, the First YC Incubated Ethiopian Startup

Avion is an Ethiopian company that develops & implements a drone-based medical supplies delivery system. Avion’s solution is focused on increasing


Room Roaming, an Ethiopian Budget Hotel Aggregator Startup

Ethiopia is endowed with many natural and historical tourism destinations. However, there is an observable gap in providing adequate infrastructure

Africa 118
Funding News Startup Technology

Africa 118 Gets A Grant from GSMA To Build Ethiopian SMEs Digital Presence

Africa 118 is a company founded in 2010 with the mission to help African startups and Small & Medium Enterprises(SMEs)

Featured HealthTech Startup

How This Bootstrapped Ethiopian Startup Is Building Healthtech Solutions For Emerging Markets

Opian is an Ethiopian technology startup that is working to solve challenges in the health sector with integrated, research-based, and

Debo Engineering Picture
AgriTech Startup

Meet This Jimma Based Agritech Startup That Developed An App That Detects Plant Disease

Debo Engineering, A Jimma based agritech startup, developed an algorithm that automatically detects and classifies plant disease through image detection. 


Machine Translation Startup Lesan Is Making Web Content Available in Ethiopian Languages

Around the world, there are millions of people that cannot consume the content on the web because it is not

News Regulations Startup

Ethiopia To Enact A Startup Act

A proclamation named as “ Start-up Businesses Proclamation” by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology together with the Job Creation

EduTech Startup

This Ethiopian Startup is Gamifying Programming Education To Kids

In times like these where technology took the wheel of the world and bend motions with the advancement that work

News Ride-Hailing Startup

ZayRide Joins Google For Startups Accelerator

ZayRide, Ethiopia based ride hailing startup, joins Google for Startups Accelerator Africa 2020 class. Google for Startups Accelerator ( formerly

Ecommerce News Startup

Mastercard Foundation and Kifiya To Support 11 SMEs On Repurposing Production And Selling Online

Mastercard Foundation to support a group of 11 SMEs to repurpose there production to personal protective equipment (PPE) manufacturing via