Contact information

22 Area, New Road Maria Rubatto’s Bldg, 1st floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now.
Featured Funding

List of Angel Investors in Ethiopia

If you are a startup that is looking for an Angel Investor in Ethiopia, here is a list of Angels

Featured Guide

List of Co-working Spaces in Addis Ababa- 2024

Co-working is an arrangement where several workers from different companies share an office space. It allows cost savings and convenience

Featured HealthTech Startup

How This Bootstrapped Ethiopian Startup Is Building Healthtech Solutions For Emerging Markets

Opian is an Ethiopian technology startup that is working to solve challenges in the health sector with integrated, research-based, and


How COVID-19 is Accelerating Digital Transformation in Ethiopia

We are living in an unprecedented time where we are witnessing one of the major changes in the world order

Ecommerce Featured

List of Ecommerce Websites and Apps in Ethiopia

It’s an interesting time for Ecommerce ‘industry’ in Ethiopia for many reasons. The COVID-19 pandemic while changing the world like


Open API: Leapfrogging Ethiopian digital Economy

By Abebe Girmay An open API, also known as a public API, is an application programming interface that allows the owner


Why Ethiopian Businesses Need to Take Social Media Engagement Seriously

It is fair to say, a few years ago, not a lot of people dared or even thought to mention

Featured Guide

What’s It takes to Launch a Company in Ethiopia?

The best starting place, is to think through how to serve a completely vacant market waiting to be developed and


Kukulu, And Why We Need Games Made In Africa

“A beautiful princess and a charming prince protected by their gallant hero on a majestic horse wielding a shiny sword