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22 Area, New Road Maria Rubatto’s Bldg, 1st floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Shega Weekly - MoH Opens A Digital Health Innovation And Research Lab
Shega Weekly

Shega Weekly – MoH Opens A Digital Health Innovation And Research Lab

As the number of COVID-19 cases increases, we need to continue to take precautions and tackle the economic and social

Shega Weekly - MoH Opens A Digital Health Innovation And Research Lab
Shega Weekly

Shega Monthly – July

July hasn’t been an easy month for the Innovation ecosystem in Ethiopia with Internet disruption affecting many startups and technology


ECA Receives 12 Expression of Interest For Telecom License in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Communications Authority officially announced that it received 12 submissions, of which 9 are telecom operators and 2 are

Press Release

Axian Telecom Submits Expression of Interest For Licenses in Ethiopia

Press Releases   ,AXIAN TELECOM, the Telecom giant behind Africa’s fastest internet services submits expression Of interest for licences in

News Ride-Hailing Startup

ZayRide Joins Google For Startups Accelerator

ZayRide, Ethiopia based ride hailing startup, joins Google for Startups Accelerator Africa 2020 class. Google for Startups Accelerator ( formerly


Safaricom Submits Expression of Interest For A Teleco License in Ethiopia

Safaricom, A Kenyan telecommunication giant, has submitted expression of Interest for one of the two telecommunications licenses in Ethiopia according

Ecommerce News Startup

Mastercard Foundation and Kifiya To Support 11 SMEs On Repurposing Production And Selling Online

Mastercard Foundation to support a group of 11 SMEs to repurpose there production to personal protective equipment (PPE) manufacturing via


ICT Advisory Firm Releases Ethiopia Digital Transformation Report

HIP Consult, a prominent emerging market digital infrastructure and services consultancy, has announced the release of a 100-page report on

HealthTech News

A Jimma Based Ethiopian Startup is Developing A UVC Room Sterilizer To Prevent The Spread of COVID

Simbona Africa, a startup based out of Jimma is manufacturing a locally assembled UVC room sterilizer which was awarded a

Press Release

JCC and Mastercard Foundation to Support MSEs and Startups in Ethiopia That are Impacted by COVID

The Jobs Creation Commission of Ethiopia, the Mastercard Foundation, and First Consult announced the creation of the Mastercard Foundation MSE’s