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Orbit Health and Mastercard Foundation have signed a contract to establish and fund Orbit Innovation Hub, a startup incubator/accelerator space aimed at creating digital solutions and job opportunities. Mastercard Foundation will provide the funding for the establishment and piloting of the Orbit Innovation Hub. The hub will accept and develop 15 startups with great ideas, provide critical support, and a nurturing ecosystem to develop and eventually create jobs for 200 people. This effort will help reduce the digital divide, create a conducive environment for innovative solutions, and empower women and young people to build their technology startup ideas.

The Mastercard Foundation is pleased partnering with Orbit Health Innovation Hub as a part of YAW strategy to create dignifying and fulfilling job opportunity for the young people. “The project is well aligned with the Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works strategy, which aims at enabling 10 million young women and men access dignified and fulfilling work by 2030. Our partnership with Orbit Health will support the creation of an environment where young people can succeed in Ethiopia, where their leadership and contributions matter,” said Alemayehu Konde Koira, Country Head, Ethiopia, at the Mastercard Foundation.

Orbit Health is an Ethiopian-based Pan-African Health-tech company that offers an end-to-end digital health solution specifically tailored to meet the needs of healthcare facilities in Africa. Orbit has been working to digitize, modernize, and optimize health care delivery in Ethiopia. It has developed in-depth and unparalleled knowledge and understanding of the public and private health sector’s needs. The partnership with Mastercard Foundation to incubate and accelerate digital solutions is an exciting development for the company and will enable the technology sector to grow significantly.

Akofada (DFS Ethiopia)

This agreement will reaffirm Orbit’s vision of leading innovation in the digital sector. The collaboration with Mastercard Foundation also strengthens and underscores the shared interest of the two organizations in digital innovation for job creation.

“Orbit Health has played a leading role in bringing innovative digital health solutions to the health-tech sector and it brings me great joy to know that we will continue to pave an easier path to aspiring innovators as they embark on their entrepreneurial journey” Pazion Cherinet, founder and CEO of Orbit Health.

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  • bezawit, January 14, 2021 @ 10:29 am

    How can we drop a proposal for you to watch ?
    Thanks for sharing this important information

    • Anteneh Tesfaye, January 18, 2021 @ 5:28 am

      Hi Bezawit,

      If you want your startup to be covered, please share email to us at If you are interested to work with Orbit Health, please contact them directly.

  • A Guide to Financing Your Startup in Ethiopia - Shega, June 25, 2021 @ 12:26 pm

    […] to the Ethiopian startup support ecosystem. It is an initiative by the founders of Orbit Health in partnership with The Mastercard Foundation. Orbit Health is a digital health […]

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