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Ethiopian tourism tech startup Zagol has officially launched its platform, enabling travelers to plan and book their trips, covering everything from flights and hotels to car rentals and tours.

Zagol which aims to provide the best travel experiences for both local and global customers, operates in seven languages, including four local ones. The startup states that its platform is connected to thousands of tour operators, local and international hotels, and ten major airlines.

“We have selected hotels with three stars and above. Customers can also reach us through our dedicated call center number, 8166,” Yared Nigusse, CEO of Zagol, told Shega.

Akofada (DFS Ethiopia)

The application, developed in-house over a two-year period by Zagol Systems Trading, marks a slight shift from Zagol’s previous service model, known for providing tour packages and visa services. Currently, the startup has a team of 15 employees.”

Zagol has integrated various payment methods, including Telebirr, and CBE Birr. The CEO mentions ongoing efforts to more local and international payment options soon.

“Zagol plans to launch its platform in East Africa, the Middle East, and Western countries, including the United States,” said Yared.


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Daniel, a writer and radio host, has a keen interest in technology. Additionally, he has supported various organizations by enhancing their digital presence in his role as a social media manager.