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Seeding The Future Foundation

Seeding the Future: A Global Food Innovation Challenge

The Seeding the Future Global Food System Challenge is calling on innovators to submit groundbreaking ideas that can revolutionize the way we produce, distribute, and consume food.

Innovators and change-makers are invited to participate in the Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge, an initiative aimed at transforming the food system to ensure equitable access to safe, nutritious, and affordable food for a growing global population.  


Hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists and funded by the Seeding The Future Foundation, the Challenge is intended to support innovations that have the potential for significant impact at scale and over time, and benefit at least one or more of the following intersecting domains: nutritious food for a healthy diet; sustainably produced; and accessible, appealing, affordable, and trusted by consumers. 



To be eligible for an award, the project must be innovative, impactful and lead to new advances that benefit at least one but ideally more than one of the intersecting domains of the Innovation Focus Area, shown in the diagram below, while not negatively affecting any of the other domains. Innovations that benefit two or more domains and are at an advanced development stage are eligible for the highest award levels. The definition of Innovation in the context of this challenge is: A novel idea, approach, concept or technology that is practicable and leads to a significant beneficial for people or the environment.


Funding & prize Types 

The Seeding the Future Global Food System Challenge offers substantial funding opportunities Up to $1 million annually in grants and prizes.


  1. Seed Grants:
    • Amount: $25,000 each
    • Purpose: Awarded to organizations developing high-potential, innovative ideas with a prototype or initial proof of concept demonstrating feasibility.
  2. Growth Grants:
    • Amount: $100,000 each
    • Purpose: Given to organizations that have shown their innovation is feasible and economically viable at scale, with potential for high impact.
  3. Seeding The Future Grand Prizes:
    • Amount: $250,000 each
    • Purpose: For organizations that have created scalable and economically viable innovations with significant transformative potential for the food system.


This challenge invites scientists, engineers, innovators, and multidisciplinary teams from various sectors to submit their transformative ideas that can lead to a more sustainable and equitable global food system.
